Back in 2018, I read Influence by Robert Caldini. This morning on my run, I stumbled upon a Freakonomics podcast titled “How to Get Anyone to do Anything”.
The podcast guest was no one other than Caldini himself. It’s been a while since I last read the book, but it’s amazing to see how the principles hold over time. Caldini recently released a new and expanded version of Influnece and he revisited the timeless principles with more examples.
The podcast serve as a great refresher / summary of the principles of influence and how it could be used ethically and non-ethically. The part that resonated with me most this time around is the research done on how people are more likely to defend their previous decision the more harm the decision has done. (Economist called this ‘sunk cost fallacy’) I believe that’s might be what’s driving the political scene in Thailand right now: a lot of people defending their worst political situation.
7 principles of Influence
Commitment and Consistency
Social Proof
Unity (+1)
Commitment and Consistency
Social Proof
Unity (+1)
Listen to the recommended pick here.
Freakonomics Radio: How to Get Anyone to do Anything
Freakonomics Radio: How to Get Anyone to do Anything